Agewell Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
If you have answered ‘No’ to all of the above questions it is reasonable to assume that you are fit enough to participate in gentle to moderate exercise. However, if you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the questions, are in any doubt or have not participated in an exercise programme for some time, it is recommended that you let your tutor know and ask the advice of your doctor first.
To the best of my knowledge I have no medical condition that would exclude me from following a physical exercise programme. I understand that I am responsible for monitoring my own responses during exercise and taking due caution. I will inform the instructor of any changes in my medication and results of any investigations or treatment that might affect my level or type of exercise. I agree that the above information may be stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. I also give my agreement for the above information to be made available to other health professionals for my benefit. I have read, understood and completed this questionnaire. Any questions I had were answered to my full satisfaction.